Monday - Saturday : 8:00 - 12:00 <> 14:00 - 18:00

Our Expertises

Areas of intervention

Maritime, port and customs duties


  • Law of the sea
  • Port law
  • Transport and maritime activities law
  • Maritime safety law
  • Maritime pollution law
  • Law of seafarers
  • Customs law

Services provided

  • Studies of transport and port regulations (police regulations, etc.)
  • Drafting laws (maritime codes) and regulations or standards of international organizations
  • Legal advice in maritime, port, customs or maritime law or insurance
  • Negotiation and drafting of contracts relating to the occupation and operation of port terminals
  • Negotiation and drafting of maritime contracts (bill of lading, charter party, ship sale, etc.), general conditions for the intervention of operators in the maritime transport sector (freight forwarders, freight forwarders, stevedores, etc.)
  • Representation in court or arbitration in disputes concerning the interpretation or application of maritime contracts (transport or chartering) or transport auxiliary  es (handling, transit, etc.) or for specific actions (arising from marine incidents, maritime pollution, etc.)
  • Seizure of vessels (analysis and prior opinions in order to assess the application or not of the convention of 10 May 1952, drafting and presentation of the request for seizure, the report of seizure or action in escrow and/or negotiations for the purpose of escrow, drafting of guarantees or analysis of guarantees, in particular those of P & I Clubs
  • Seizure and judicial sale of ships
  • Port litigation (contracts relating to port terminals or stores in particular)
  • Customs litigation (assistance to clients in the event of fines or confiscation of goods or vessels, drafting or analysis of guarantees, etc.)
  • Legal and judicial monitoring